We have been running our reading group since 2017. Since May 2020, it has been held online.
These are the articles we have read and discussed:
June 2022, Global inequality in the academic system: effects of national and university symbolic capital on international academic mobility, by Jurgen Gerhards, Silke Hans and Daniel Drewski
May 2022, Challenging Cultures? Student Conceptions of ‘Belonging’ and ‘Isolation’ at a Post-1992 University, by Barbara Read, Louise Archer and Carole Leathwood
April 2022, Credentials, talent and cultural capital: a comparative study of educational elites in England and France, by Phillip Brown, Sally Power, Gerbrand Tholen and Annabelle Allouch
March 2022, Higher education institutions as eyes of the state: Canada’s international student compliance regime, by Lisa Ruth Brunner
February 2022, Micro-credentials, higher education and career development: perspectives of university students, by Mehmet Ali Yilik
January 2022, User or student: constructing the subject in Edtech incubator, by Hemy Ramiel
December 2021, Forced migrants in higher education: ‘sanctuary scholarships’ in a hostile environment, by Rebecca Murray and Harriet Gray
November 2021, Changing meanings of university teaching: the emotionalisation of academic culture in Russia, Israel and the US, by Julia Lerner, Claudia Zbenovich and Tamar Kaneh-Shalit
October 2021, Communication as a moral vocation: safe space and freedom of speech, by David Hill
September 2021, Towards inclusion in Spanish higher education: understanding the relationship between identification and discrimination, by Beatriz Gallego-Noche, Cristina Goenechea, Inmaculada Antolinez-Dominiguez and Concepion Valero-Franco
May 2021, Kindness in pedagogical practice and academic life, by Sue Clegg and Stephen Rowland
April 2021, Using the assessment process to overcome Imposter Syndrome in mature students, by Amanda Chapman
March 2021, University non-admittance and anomie: Reconsidering the promise of an egalitarian society, by Ulpukka Isopahkala-Bouret
February 2021, Emerging precarity among international students in Singapore: experiences, understandings and responses, by Elizabeth Chacko
January 2021, Navigating change: a typology of student transition in higher education, by Trevor Gale and Stephen Parker
December 2020, ‘I’m not like that, why treat me the same way?’ The impact of stereotyping international students on their learning, employability and connectedness with the workplace, by Ly Thi Tran and Thao Thi Phuong Vu
November 2020, Cartographies of belonging: mapping nomadic narratives of first-year students, by Kelly Guyotte, Maureen Flint and Keely Latopolski
October 2020, A global student anger? A comparative analysis of student movements in Chile (2011), Quebec (2012), and Hong-Kong (2014), by Cecile Van de Velde
September 2020, Policy networks, performance metrics and platform markets: Charting the expanding data infrastructure of higher education, by Ben Williamson
August 2020, The new tyranny of student participation? Student voice and the paradox of strategic-active student-citizens, by Ana Barbosa Mendes and Daniel Hammett
July 2020, Place and student subjectivities in Higher Education ‘cold spots’, by Holly Henderson
June 2020, Working the borderlands: working-class students constructing hybrid identities and asserting their place in higher education, by Gill Crozier, Diane Reay and John Clayton
May 2020, Beyond #FeesMustFall: International students, fees and everyday agency in the era of decolonisation, by Parvati Raghuram, Markus Roos Breines and Ashley Gunter
February 2020, Storying students’ becomings in and through higher education, by Karen Gravett and Naomi Winstone
January 2020, Getting through the day and still having a smile on my face! How do students define success in the university learning environment?, by Sarah O’Shea and Janine Delahunty
December 2019, Re/conceptualising time and temporality: an exploration of time in higher education, by Anna Bennett and Penny Jane Burke
November 2019, Market ordering as a device for market-making: the case of the emerging students’ recruitment industry, by Janja Komljenovic.
October 2019, Students-as-insurers: rethinking ‘risk’ for disadvantaged young people considering higher education in England, by Neil Harrison
June 2019, Education, opportunity and the prospects for social mobility, by Phillip Brown
May 2019, Students as consumers? A counter perspective from student assessment as a disciplinary technology, by Rille Raaper
April 2019, Resisting resilience: disrupting discourses of self-efficacy, by David Webster and Nicola Rivers
March 2019, Luck, chance, and happenstance? Perceptions of success and failure amongst fixed‐term academic staff in UK higher education, by Vik Loveday
March 2018, Professions and institutional change: towards an institutionalist sociology of the professions, by Daniel Muzio, David Brock and Roy Suddaby
January 2018, Are postgraduate qualifications the ‘new frontier of social mobility’?, by Paul Wakeling and Daniel Laurison
November 2017, The spin-off of elite universities in noncompetitive, undifferentiated higher education systems: an empirical simulation in Italy, by Giovanni Abramo and Ciriaco Andrea D’Angelo
October 2017, Exploring Ethnic Inequalities in Admission to Russell Group Universities, by Vikki Boliver
June 2017: ‘Graduate blues’: Considering the effects of inverted symbolic violence on underemployed middle class graduates, by Ciaran Burke
May 2017: Theorizing student mobility in an era of globalization, by Fazal Rizvi
March 2017: What kind of citizenship for European higher education? Beyond the competent active citizen, By Gert Biesta
February 2017: Changes in doctoral education: Implications for supervisors in developing early career researchers, by Stanley Taylor
December 2017: Student perceptions of themselves as ‘consumers’ of higher education, By Michael Tomlinson
November 2017: Higher education and the achievement (and/or prevention) of equity and social justice, By John Brennan and Rajani Naidoo